广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛 蒲友网 The name of the female school doctor is also aptly called Avelot Dieter.

The name of the female school doctor is also aptly called Avelot Dieter.

Avelot Dite is the name of the beautiful god in Greek mythology, and her deeds are accompanied by romantic wars.
The fact that this school doctor named’ Avelot Dieter’ is absolutely no less than that, saying that the beauty of China and the United States will be eclipsed in front of her even if it is a moving rose, is a wave comment from the school.
This 360-degree dead-angle beauty soon occupied the school forum and has a tendency to spread to other schools.
Instead, the headache was to recruit her to the school leaders for fear that something had come up, and it took several typical disturbances of faking to calm down.
After all, this kind of thing is generally a chain reaction. Others pretend to be sick to see a beautiful school doctor. This Avelot Dite is also very gentle and affectionate, not an iceberg beauty student. Naturally, it is easy to go back and brag about the herd effect to make such a moth.
Although Sun Jing has practiced a lot of tokenistic gestures, such as jujitsu and hand movements, after all, she is a rich girl with good physical fitness and can’t be too bad.
Li Zhichang took the initiative to teach her and Bai Susu some kung fu to have some fun.
As a result, many students in the playground at night will always see such a scene. A young man has physical contact with two beautiful young girls from time to time, which makes people want to donate gasoline and matches.
Sun Jing and Bai Susu and Li Zhichang are practicing natural piles at the moment. The so-called natural piles are pole piles, which is one of the important pile methods of Tai Ji Chuan’s work.
The natural pile seems simple, real, wonderful and poor, and it is recognized by boxers in past dynasties as the foundation of Tai Ji Chuan’s boxing theory that "Tai Chi is extremely born". When practicing this pile, the body needs to be in a state of high relaxation, and the image of unity of mind and form and harmony of yin and yang is required.
The essence is the word "balance"
Don’t underestimate the so-called’ balance’ fact that 90% of the people in this world are deformed. Is it unnatural that the left, right, left and right bodies have not reached a true balance?
This is because people develop some bad habits, which makes the body develop slightly differently from left to right.
Natural piles can adjust these acquired deformities and make physical conditions close to balance.
Only by mastering the’ balance’ can we show a lot of extreme movements of the human body without hurting ourselves.
This is also the reason that Li Zhichang gradually realized that everything can be divided into yin and yang, yin and yang change and balance.
Breaking the balance between yin and yang can produce collision and destructive power
And sorting out yin and yang can transform vitality.
Sun Jing is relaxed and has got the word "loose and natural" and "loose", but it is not "static"
Only when you live in stillness can you live in stillness and gain wisdom. Grasp the essence of this’ natural pile’ and realize the subtlety of’ balance’
This can be’ understood’ but not’ spoken’
It is Su Susu’s understanding that the spine is like a clever serpent. The imperceptible rhythm wave affects the muscles of the body, but it is not random. It is very natural and deliberate.
Even though her spine trembled imperceptibly, she was very stable as if she were rooted in the soil.
At this time, a blonde came from a distant street lamp, and she could feel sexy even in the dark.
Naturally, she is the new female school doctor, which makes the school boys upside down. Avelot Dieter.
Sun Jing doesn’t like this woman who doesn’t exude charm, especially when the other party is accurate these days, he comes to Li Zhichang.
"hi, handsome and handsome. Good evening, Li, two lovely little beauties."
"Hello, Aunt Avelot Dieter." Sun Jing stuck out her tongue with a look of great ingenuity.
Avelot Dieter is not upset. Her Chinese is as fluent as English. Of course, she can’t understand it.
This is precisely because of this that the other party’s look at Sun Jing’s counterattack made Sun Jing’s teeth itch with anger.
Li Zhichang didn’t underestimate the physical quality of the woman in front of him at all, but it was healthier, but it could bring him a little dangerous breath as if she were covered with venom mambas.
Avelot Dieter seems to be very interested in him. Li Zhichang has been sensing people’s hearts more and more subtly recently, but he has managed to grasp Avelot Dieter’s true feelings.
This has proved that Avelot Dite is by no means general.
At the same time, Li Zhichang also faintly guessed that the origin of the other party was not confirmed
Chapter 11 Blood Moon
Li Zhichang said lazily, "The moonlight is fine tonight. Would Miss Avelot Dieter like to walk in the moonlight with me?"
He speaks fluent French, not only with a fluent accent, but also vividly romantic and moving.
Of course, Sun Jing doesn’t know what Li Zhi often says. She doesn’t know French at all.
It was two people who left with Avelot Dieter without watching Li Zhichang blindly.
Sun Jing was a little angry and Li Zhichang was seduced away by this woman.
A man made several powder punches in the air.
Bai Susu looked funny.
There is a small river in the school, which flows slowly and smoothly, and the water surface beside the moon bridge is sparkling and scattered, gathering and scattered.
It’s late, but there are many people here. There are many couples walking by the river.
Li Zhichang and Avelot Dieter walk side by side, and the oriental implication and western enthusiasm are intertwined, and the picture is unexpectedly harmonious
Avelot Di Te reached a finger and the white fingertips were dim and the moonlight could vaguely see a hint of deep red cardamom, which was breathtaking.
Her lips are light and amorous, and she speaks fluent Chinese. "You already know who I am, don’t you?"
"I know a little bit about him. He’s a little more powerful than I thought. Do you think he looks exactly like me?" Li Zhichang tilted his head and looked at Avelot Dieter, whose face was almost perfect and full of charm.
Avelot Dieter has the golden ratio of facial features, which are as exquisite as if the perfect face was constructed after several simulations by a supercomputer.
This beauty can only appear in two dimensions, but her sea blue eyes are affectionate and playful, and it seems that they can speak, which generally adorns her eyes and makes her come out of the painting.
Avelot de te was surprised in her heart. She didn’t expect this monk to guess this.
On the sixth day, the demon Lord was obviously unprecedented in his seriousness about this obstruction, and he actually melted into Li Zhichang’s negative emotions, so that his incarnation in this world was not only himself but also a part of Li Zhichang.
In a sense, if she destroys Li Zhichang and annihilates Li Zhichang’s spirit and soul, it will make the demon master on the sixth day no longer complete.
On the sixth day, when the demon Lord merged with Li Zhichang negatively, he and Li Zhichang established a special cause and effect in a sense.
If Li Zhichang is not swallowed up by him, it will make the sixth monty master and slave fall into the perfect monty territory.
Avelot Dieter didn’t know that the demon Lord on the sixth day was so highly of Li Zhichang that he not only wanted to block the other side, but also played the idea of Li Zhichang’s soul. But Avelot Dieter deeply knew that the six demons would show their flaws for the first time in years, leaving them five demons to seize the opportunity.
And Li Zhichang is this flaw.
After all, they are demons, and they never have the concept of companions, and they have all the desires and the desire to become stronger.
The former method found Li Zhichang, and their memories only woke up recently.
The dead devil was lucky to find Li Zhichang first, but he didn’t know why Li Zhichang’s hand died, which attracted her attention.

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