广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛 广州品茶网,广州夜网 The orthodox Pope’s bloodline in the Temple of the Soul of a Thousand Feelings of Snow was pushed out by Bidong, but the angel god bearer needed to go to Tiandou Empire to lurk, which made her have a bad impression on the Temple of the Soul now.

The orthodox Pope’s bloodline in the Temple of the Soul of a Thousand Feelings of Snow was pushed out by Bidong, but the angel god bearer needed to go to Tiandou Empire to lurk, which made her have a bad impression on the Temple of the Soul now.

She didn’t feel much when so many elites collapsed in the Hall of the Soul.
After so many years in the empire, her feelings for Wu Soul Hall have also faded a lot.
But now, if Qianqixue can become an angel god, they don’t care about everything. Their Soul Hall is guarding the angel god. If Qianqixue can become an angel, then everything must be cared about.
"Zhao Daren" the old slave looked at the figure coming from the wind and bowed down, saying that Zhao gave Qian Shenxue an angel’s gift, which was naturally worthy of her salute.
"Don’t bother." Zhao smiled and looked at the snow.
Now the snow is more beautiful, and it has some holy temperament.
Although she has not inherited the position of angel god, she now has an angel blood.
"Now she doesn’t pretend? It’s not good if the imperial people see it. "Zhao Yixiao looked at the snow with some relief.
"After the temple said, no one would pretend to be herself. She wanted to be herself," said the old slave, looking at Zhao respectfully.
In the sight of this man, the wind is light and the clouds are light, and so many strong men have been destroyed in the Hall of the Soul.
But also took the star empire.
Now the queen of Xingluo Empire is Zhao’s fiancee Zhao and Xingluo Empire, and they naturally know it.
If Zhao wants the Star Empire now, it is Zhao.
Zhao, the empire of Tiandou, now has the help of Nine Treasures Liulizong, and it is easy to get it. Zhao now recognizes the identity of Qianxue. If he exposes the identity of Qianxue, they can’t escape from Tiandou Empire.
"Good" Zhao smiled and looked at a small white hairpin in the snow hand.
Zhao stepped forward and gently pinned the hairpin to her hair.
"This hairpin has my breath, and I can feel it if you are in danger."
"No one can bully my woman." Zhao Yixiao now plans to go to the far north to meet her without worrying about the snow.
The snow is so beautiful and powerful, but she doesn’t know how to protect herself.
Even he hasn’t experienced it yet. Who can bully her?
The old slave looked at Zhao and flashed a little softness. She could feel that Zhao was different from others. He was definitely not the kind of ordinary person who saw the temple.
Otherwise, how can someone like Zhao be so concerned about the temple and pay special attention to some girls and small things to send to the temple?
"Tell her to take good care of herself. I won’t be able to see her again for several months or even longer this time." Zhao smiled. He now needs to give him a second soul ring if he wants to quickly raise his soul power.
He won’t appear again until Hugh reaches the level 60 bottleneck.
And when he reappeared in the field of vision of the Hall of the Soul, his strength had reached that of the Soul Emperor. How strong should his puppet be? And his strength will also be strong.
Even if thousands of streams are so strong, he can compete a little.
"Where is Master Zhao going?" Old slave heart a surprised asked.
Zhao Youyou, the "Hunting Soul Beast", sounded.
"Master Zhao wants to attach a soul ring to the second martial soul?" The old slave can’t help but horrified way
Zhao is a twin martial soul. If you add a soul ring to the second martial soul, I’m afraid it will soar. Who else can be Zhao’s opponent then? At that time, maybe there were popes and elders who could fight Zhao in World War I.
After Zhao left
Qianqixue opened her eyes. There was a tear in her eyes and she looked at the delicate hairpin in her hand.
This is a simple hairpin, not a valuable material, but it is like a treasure in her eyes.
From now on, she has another trustworthy person.
"There are not many heroes like Zhao Daren in the temple. It took several years for Zhao Daren, a peerless genius, to appear in the whole mainland."
"Moreover, if the back temple is endowed with angels and gods, I’m afraid it will be very lonely …" The old slave said that Zhao Tiancai could become a god in the future, and it would be very good if he had that kind of relationship with Zhao.
The divine world is also right. In their Douluo Temple, the guardians guard the angels and gods, and they just know something.
What will it be like in the divine world? As far as they know, if the divine world is not as beautiful as it is, what grievances will they encounter when they first enter the divine world? The divine world is not like Douro mainland. If there are people who have bad thoughts about Qianqixue and do bad things to her, she will resist Qianqixue and be a girl no matter how strong she is.
However, it would be very simple if I could soar to heaven with Zhao’s adult.
Lord Zhao is a great power. If the enemy can go to the celestial world, there will be a strong side.
Then who can bully her?
"I’m still far from being old. I haven’t received the angel’s gift." Qian Shenxue said softly that she knew what it meant to be old.
"Ah, take good care of the temple. No matter what decision the temple makes, I will support it." The old slave sighed and stopped saying anything.
"Well," Qian Shenxue nodded and looked at the sky. She now has a 70% hope of inheriting to the shrine. How lonely would it be if she went to the celestial world alone?

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