广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛 广州夜网 Zhang Sheng showed off the show and laughed. Brother’s name doesn’t matter.

Zhang Sheng showed off the show and laughed. Brother’s name doesn’t matter.

Zhang Shengji felt a sense of absurdity. After such a short time, he had an extra sworn brother. This eldest brother was actually the three ghosts of the underworld. One more made him feel absurd. He looked at the expression of the eternal life and seemed to really want to marry his brothers. Zhang Sheng was quite happy to see it at this time
The two chatted for a while, and Zhang Sheng then chatted to clarify some situations in the hell world.
No one knows how big the hell is, even if you live in the hell for tens of thousands of years, the ghost king doesn’t know where the end of the hell is. In addition to the eternal life, there are two other ghost kings in the hell who are bloodthirsty, the ghost king and the ghost king with a thousand faces. These two ghost kings are the overlords of the hell for all ages, but because the three ghost kings are far apart, the three ghost kings don’t meet each other on weekdays, and they have lived their lives for so many years. In the past, they were peaceful, except those unconscious evil spirits who killed each other, but they didn’t have a war.
Generally speaking, this hell world is still relatively flat, and it is not as exaggerated as the outside world. Zhang Sheng can’t help but know something about it after listening to the introduction of the hell world in the ages.
Evil spirits in hell don’t eat. Of course, a hell is full of yellow sand and black soil, and they can’t grow anything to eat. They are holding their lives and doing their best to bring them loneliness and melancholy. This kind of loneliness is not rooted in Zhang Sheng’s imagination. When I come here, my eyes can’t help but shoot a lonely look.
Zhang Sheng gradually understood why he was in such a hurry to get married.
Zhang Shengxiu is more powerful than the ancient times, so for the ancient times, this is a master of the same number, and a master of the same number chats very well. Brothers will not lose face. Although the ancient times are the ghost kings, their hearts are more arrogant than their pride. He despises the other two ghost kings and knows this hell world very much. One of them can be a demon king and make him obey his orders.
Brother, you’ve been in the hell for so many years. Have you ever been anywhere else in this hell except the three demons?
All ages one leng asked doubtfully, brother, why do you ask these questions?
Zhang sheng ha ha smiled and said, to tell you the truth, eldest brother, it is important for me to come to hell to find something, which should be in hell.
It took ages to frown slightly for a long time before he said, Second Brother, in addition to the three ghosts, there is indeed a place full of mystery in the underworld, but it is also the most dangerous place in the underworld. Brother, I advise you not to inquire.
What Zhang Sheng asked
All ages hesitated for a while before slowly saying that it was the place where our three demons were born.
Er, Zhang Sheng asked doubtfully, isn’t eldest brother taken from the ghost world to the hell world?
I smiled and said that my ghost soldiers were the evil spirits who were brought in by the ghost world, and I was not. I was born in the hell world, which is my home. I have been here since then. Of course, the other two ghost kings are the same. We are all born evil spirits.
Chapter two hundred and sixty Hell
Chapter two hundred and sixty Hell
Zhang Sheng ha ha smiled, but I think the eldest brother, Qian Qian, is far from the evil spirits.
All ages can’t help laughing and saying that the second brother’s words are poor. So what do you think the evil spirits should be?
Zhang Sheng was stupefied and then came over in vain and said, Yes, what is the evil spirit? The evil spirit is a race and a group title, and I shouldn’t confuse my thoughts with the true answers.
The second brother smiled and held great wisdom.
Zhang Sheng laughed at me. What great wisdom is just cleverness.
When did Wan Gudao’s second brother leave the underworld?
Zhang Sheng thought for a moment and said, Brother Wan Gu, please tell me where that place is. The purpose of my coming here is to find something, which is very important to me and I have to get it.
Wan Gu thoughtfully nodded and said, "My second brother means that if I ask you to find that thing for nothing, you will leave the underworld."
Zhang Sheng nodded to indicate that Wan Gu was right.
I have lived in this hell world for so many years, and I have never had such a good talk as today. If my second brother leaves the hell world, then I will be lonely again.
Zhang Sheng couldn’t help asking if I would take Brother Wan Gu away from the underworld before it was too late.
I want to leave here, too, but I can break the boundary and leave the hell world by myself. But this hell world is connected with the King Kong world, and the owner of the King Kong world holds great magical powers. I tried to leave the hell world three times before, but he stopped me.
Zhang Sheng’s heart tells me that this ghost king is my brother. I just want to leave the underworld. Anyway, first promise him the condition that he will take me to the place where the God Chiyou is buried. Besides, when I think of this, my mouth will laugh. Brother Wan Gu will sigh. The owner of the King Kong world is the Buddhist Bodhisattva. I am a little melodramatic. If my eldest brother intercedes, I think he should be able to sell me some noodles.
The spirit of eternal life inspired me to say that my second brother never lied to me.
Zhang Sheng pretended to be angry. Don’t you believe me?
How could I not believe my second brother? Yes, I can’t believe it’s a fact. I’ve lived in hell for so many years, and I’m tired of everything here. Now I’m incredibly excited to hope.
Zhang Sheng ha ha smiled and said, but I have to get that thing if I want to leave hell, otherwise I can’t go to hell.
After listening to a silence for a moment, he looked at Zhang Sheng with deep eyes and asked if he really wanted to go there.
Zhang Sheng pie pie wry smile way I just come to hell for that thing, I’m sure that thing is in that place.
Eternal bullet. Well, we’ll send it tomorrow. What do you think?
Zhang Sheng laughed. It’s for the best.
At this time, the woman in white floated in from the outside again. She floated to the side of Wan Gu without touching her feet and respectfully said that the king, the bloodthirsty ghost king, has come with a thousand faces.
Forever a surprised frown said how did they come?
The woman in white said, I think it’s because they also sensed this gentleman’s powerful life energy, but they haven’t sent anyone to meet him yet, but the king beat them to it.
All ages frowned and said that these two guys must be doing something if they don’t go to the Three Treasures Hall. Second brother, would you like to meet them with me?

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