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Flash attacks these old guards occasionally. Flash is not afraid of the evil of Sugar Magic Island.

When I was 15 years old, I heard these stories. When I was 1 year old, I repeatedly heard that I was infatuated with the monastery. It attracted me by its pure mystery. It was difficult to explain the tomb near this solid two-story house, and now it is not really immortal. This is full of power to put me out of the real time.
It takes an hour for the canoe to go from here along the roots and land at the bottom of the highland. Blackwood Manor stands tall and arrogant.
I don’t really love this monastery, although I need it. I don’t love this strange Roman sculpture of gloomy gold granite mausoleum, although I hide in it to avoid the sun.
But I do love Blackwood Manor, and my love for this great house can pull us to the house, as if to say that I was here before you died, and after you died, I seem to be performing my duties like a dream port. The history of Blackwood Manor is as beautiful as it is, and I am in control of it. Except for my wonderful overseas adventures, I spent my life in blackwood Farm Manor.
I don’t know how many uncles and aunts have managed to leave Blackwood Manor over the years, but they are very important to me. These strangers go to the North and occasionally come back to attend funerals. I am bound by the manor.
My heart is struggling. Will I cross the room again? Will I go back to search for the big bedroom at the back of the first floor? My beloved aunt Quinn is comfortably sitting in her favorite chair. There is another piece in my jacket pocket. In new york, before night, she bought a gem. I should give it to her, shouldn’t I? It’s an excellent last piece.
But no, I can’t be alone, can I? I can’t hint at something that happened to me. I can’t happily degenerate into a mysterious night visit to Quinn. Now the dark room is like a strange disease. Being alone is not good for my beloved gentle aunt Quinn.
I failed tonight, and I will be another Quinn who said that medicine can save him. He went deep into the sugar magic swamp, although everyone told him not to do that. He went to the cursed island monastery and he never came back one night.
In fact, I don’t believe that Lester will make me go up in smoke. I don’t believe that he will kill me before I tell him that my story is at least part of it. Maybe I am too young to believe this. Maybe because I have read the Chronicles so enthusiastically, I feel that Lester is as close as me.
Crazy trip is the most possible, but I’m going to leave. I’m going to try my best to get close to Lester. Where does he come from and he monitors New Orleans? I don’t know how he visited his apartment in the French quarter. I don’t know either, but this letter is engraved with my agate relief gift and will be delivered to that apartment tonight.
Finally I got up from the leather chair in Phnom Penh.
I have no more worries about this magnificent stone floor room. I let myself slowly rise from the warm earth and experience the wonderful lightness until I can observe the huge winding black block room in the swamp from the cool high plane as if it were a lighthouse on smooth grass.
I took the strangest flying talent in my strength to guide me to New Orleans and March across Lake Pontchartrain to the royal residence, which is known as the enemy Leicester House.
Devil’s Hell, I created and called him after his property. Although Telamaska was after him, he thought they were more kind than endurance, and he was much more kind than me.
Kindness, that’s what I’ve planned. Lester says that you will be kind everywhere. I will never respect you this time. As shown in my letter, I generally need you.
Slowly, I descend into the fragrant air again, and I can see a fleeting shadow when I spy here, until I watch the iron spiral staircase fountain leading to the back door of Lester’s house gurgling beside me in front of the backyard of this house.
Well, here I am, the rules have been broken, so I can describe in the chronicle of Huahuagong backyard that bougainvillea is flourishing in front of me, and it grows to the floor with iron columns and cast iron handrails. It is like a special temple.
I can hear the noise around the French quarter, the noise of restaurants and kitchens, the usual travel on sidewalks, the quick talk, the faint wailing of jazz in Bourbon Street, and the rumbling of cars moving slowly ahead.
This small courtyard is closed and beautiful. The height of its brick wall makes me lose my vigilance. The green banana tree is the largest I have ever seen. Their waxy stems buckle purple slates everywhere, but this is an unconstrained place.
People have been here to remove rotten leaves from banana forests. People have picked banana trees in New Orleans that have withered before they mature. They cut off excess trees to keep the patio clean.
Even the water that gurgles into the fountain basin from the stone Xiaotian is fresh and clean.
These beautiful little details make me feel more like an illegal invasion, but I am not afraid because I am full of enthusiasm than recklessness
Then I saw the faint light in the back window, which was very dim, like a light coming from the depths of the apartment.
This scared me, but my heart was crazy and supported me again. Can I speak in Lesta? When he saw me, he didn’t hesitate to do flame. What should I do? I won’t have a chance to show the agate relief. I begged bitterly.
I should give the new relief to aunt Quinn. I should hold her in my arms and kiss me. I should talk to her for a long time. I’m dying.
Perfect idiots make me so happy, Lesta. I love you. Quinn came here to be your slave.
I quickly climbed the iron spiral staircase to avoid ringing. As soon as I got to the back balcony, I smelled a trace of human breath in the room. What does it mean? I stopped to read minds and scan the room.
I immediately noticed that a confused information person was here, and there was no doubt that he was sneaking around. This guy was disgusted with the fact and painfully realized that he had no profit here. Now this unknown person, this human being, also knew that I was here.
At that moment, I didn’t know if it was a good invasion. I caught an invasion. A strange sense of security flooded my mind. How dare this man invade Lesta’s industry? How did he know I was here? How did he know I was detecting him?
In fact, this strange and annoying guy has almost as powerful a mind reader as I do. I asked him his name, and he answered me obediently: Sterling Oliver, my old friend came to Telamasca. At the same time, when I detected his identity, I heard his mind recognize me.
Quinn’s telepathy is just like his courting me, but he knows me a little. It’s been many years since I met Stirling. Can he perceive my change? Can he tell something like that quickly? Oh, my God, I have to get it out of my head. I have to get rid of it when I return it. I have to go back to the monastery and let Stirling do his secret investigation. I fled when he knew I was coming.
It was the runaway horse that turned him and me into a chronicle that ordinary humans read and then went back when he detected me.
But I can’t go. I’m so lonely. I have to face it resolutely. It’s the perfect truth. Stirling is here. Maybe it leads to the door of Lesta’s heart.
I impulsively hit the apartment and left the back door unlocked and went in. In this elegant back living room, I paused for a moment and scanned the roaring impressionist paintings. Then I crossed the bedroom and entered the corridor and found Stirling in the living room. The most beautiful living room was full of gold-plated furniture and lace windows hanging on the street.
Stirling took a beating in his hand on the left side of the tall frame. When I was in the chandelier, he gave me a look.
At that moment, I didn’t want to check what he was looking at. I was so absorbed in seeing him that I realized that I still loved him as I did when I could still see the ghost, an 18-year-old boy. He seemed to have changed little at that time, and his soft gray hair was loose from his high forehead and temples, and his gray eyes were very infectious. He couldn’t see the strange years of 6 years old, and it seemed to him that he was still thin and healthy, wearing a thick white and blue bubble shirt.
But gradually after a few seconds, I realized that he was afraid. He looked up at me. Because of my height, almost everyone looked up at me. Although he looked dignified, he was indeed quite dignified. He could see that I had changed, but he was not sure what had happened. He knew that he could be alert and afraid.
Today, I am a watched human hunter without being afraid of being recognized by others, and then we face the problem of mind. However, I try my best to create a simple idea that taught me how to close my mind.
Quinn stirling said, what’s wrong with you? This warm English accent took me back to four and a half years ago in a flash.
I’m a mess, Stirling. I’ll answer before I can control myself, but why are you here? I’ll get to the point like a fool. Have you got Lesta’s permission in this apartment?

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