广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛 广州品茶网 Unfortunately, Su Lie’s diary revealed too little family information, and Tianyang didn’t even know what he was doing in the fortress.

Unfortunately, Su Lie’s diary revealed too little family information, and Tianyang didn’t even know what he was doing in the fortress.

However, from many times, it seems that this Su Lie should work in which army of Nightcrawler, Storm and Mining Team.
Looking further, in mid-May of the following year, Su Lie’s father died, and at the beginning of the month, his mother was pregnant. In Su Lie’s diary, he was very excited and happy, and secretly planned to marry his mother.
…… there is another one today on the 27th of the month. It will take a while to look unlucky. I thought I could hold a wedding in Nanfei at the beginning of the month. There’s no way to get that little girl in Jingnan to get ready for me to marry Nanfei when she comes back this time. She will be so happy, absolutely!’
….. decided on the 20th of the month that Nanfei’s belly was small and called Tianyang! I hope he can have a broad mind as the sky and a bright future as the sun! Ha, my dad still has some ink in his stomach, which is less than that of Jingnan. Well, I’ll talk to Jingnan later and ask him to help me refer to it and see what the name is like.’
This is the last diary.
It’s not that there is no record at the back, but that the back is torn!
Looking at the jagged fracture, Tianyang’s heart is full of questions.
What diary will be torn up here? What happened behind it that made my mother live alone in the city?
Judging from the last diary, Su Lie really is his father, but why hasn’t he appeared for so many years?
Did Su Lie abandon his mother because he liked the new and hated the old? Or for other reasons?
Tianyanghe diary closes your eyes.
At present, at least two people know the truth.
One is mother Nanfei, of course, and the other is from the diary to Jingnan.
My mother never wants to remember my father’s question, and she won’t say anything. Besides, what should she do if she asks? Let her know that I took the goods receipt privately …
The boy shook his head vigorously. "Sure enough, I can find the answer from that man named Jingnan!"
But the permanent population of Qingtianbao is over 100,000 days. Do you know where Jingnan lives? Still alive?
It suddenly occurred to me that Tianyang, a worker who worked in the office, slapped his thigh earlier. "By the way, you can ask him for help. The office should be able to check the resident information."
The teenager immediately jumped up and ran out of the park, jumped on the magnetic locomotive, navigated and went straight to the office.
At three o’clock in the afternoon, the sun drove back to the city passage.
Jiban promised to help over there, but even Tianyang, a sublimator, entrusted them not to disclose residents’ information casually.
The Tianyang filled out an application form, which was submitted to the fortress information management office by the registration office for review, and they could only inquire about the phase information after it was approved there.
At the earliest, I won’t hear from you for another week.
Tianyang can go home with the diary. He hopes to hide it before his mother’s shift.
Back to the shack, just after putting the motorcycle away, the teenager saw a figure in front of the shack. He was shocked and came back before his mother.
It turned out that a man was wearing a Nightcrawler gown, made of black.
Tianyang was suddenly a little excited. Did you have it?
Chapter 15 recycling
It is suspected that the black crescent moon and traveler’s coat of arms are the symbols of Nightcrawler.
When Tianyang saw him, the other party also responded and saluted before "It’s an honor to see your chief, Private Nightcrawler, reporting to you!"
The man named Yan Bing looks older than Tianyang, but he seems to be an ordinary person rather than a sublimator.
It’s the first time that Tianyang has been called Sir. He is a little embarrassed and a little excited. "Is it worthwhile to be a little … at ease?"
Yan Bing looks like a kind of warm-hearted person with heavy eyebrows. He puts a silver-gray mechanical armor box at Tianyang’s feet. "This is to distribute equipment for you. And this is something that Chief jeni asked me to hand over to you. I don’t know if I will contact you later."
He took out a communicator and solemnly handed it to Tianyang.
Tianyang took over and nodded. "Thanks for letting you come here."
Yan Bing had to salute straight again. "It’s my pleasure to be able to have you!"
Smile this just from.
Tianyang came into the room with an armored box and a com door.
The thing was just put in his bed when the communicator rang and received a communication request.
Jeni image appears on the screen after passing.
"Everything has been received, right?" Lin Yangzheng is holding a dispatching board to see the sample work.
Tianyangda replied, "Roger that, sir!"
Lin Yangfang’s dispatching board said flatly, "At present, it’s not clear whether your ability and expertise have given you standard equipment. Let’s wait for a while and then adjust it according to your performance. Or you can order equipment from the fortress weapons dealer, and the people and the military will give it half."
"Oh, there’s another thing I have to tell you first. One day, when a recorder is installed in the eyes of an eye surgery meeting, you will be charged a special allowance from your monthly base salary. I don’t know exactly how much it is, but it should be not low."
Tianyang happily said, "Thank you, sir!"
Jeni shook his head. "Don’t thank me. You deserve it. Finally, you came. I’ll send it to the com later. That’s it!"
Tianyang salute communication is over.
The boy who plays the com hits the armored box. There are several foldable storage layers in it, with a combat knife, a gun, a set of armor and a piece made in Nightcrawler.
This is the sublimation despotic equipment box screen, and the equipment can also be viewed. Specifically,
First of all, combat knives, which are called "high-vibration granular combat knives", can cut off objects from different levels, so that the material comes from the No.7 inverse boundary. A special metal is strong and not easy to wear.
Combat knives include scabbard, black main tone, dark yellow anti-slip grain on the handle, low-key but very sharp. Tianyang Yi likes it.
Then there is the gun, which is smaller than the raider’s rifle, but it is far more powerful than the attacker.
Astrocyst is an advantage of fortress to astral column.
A kind of crystal-like high-purity energy body can be obtained by decomposition and processing of the star pith column, which is called the star-accumulating mass body for short. Dilution will produce a luminous gas, that is, the star element.
Taking astragaloside can enhance the ability of sublimators for a short time and act as a stimulant.
It can also protect the seed gun in the gas magazine.
Assaulter’s example: A star magazine can be fired continuously for more than 5 times, but the special cooling system will not jam or the magazine will explode in the process of continuous shooting.

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