广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛 广州98场推荐 Xu Chaowei stole a glance at Zhang Xuxu and said, "It is said that it is the place where the Zhang family made their fortune. More than half of the spar in their warehouse comes from that mining area."

Xu Chaowei stole a glance at Zhang Xuxu and said, "It is said that it is the place where the Zhang family made their fortune. More than half of the spar in their warehouse comes from that mining area."

Zhang Xuxu said noncommittally, "That’s true, but the road leading to Nasmu base was blocked by an accident."
Xu Chaowei squinted at the map and sighed, "No mistake, no mistake. Lao Xu went there once when he was young. I didn’t think there was another route from Base 13, but how did this map appear here?"
"Slowly Boss" Shi Xianglin swallowed and remembered that he had seen handwriting in the stone before, so he had some bad associations and said, "I saw a line of words in that pit called Zhou Yan."
"What word?"
Shi Xianglin said, "Yes, it was four thousand years."
Xu Chaowei remembered the old saying that has been flowing in the Hana world, but his heart was a little strange, but he was covered by the joy of finding Nasmu base again. He casually waved his hand and said, "It’s been flowing for so many years. Forget it. Finding Nasmu base to earn crystal is the last word."
Shi Xianglin’s flat mouth is hard to say something frustrating.
Xu Chaowei suddenly patted his thigh and shouted, "His grandmother is such an old Wang!"
Remembering that Lao Wang had been beheaded, he sighed again and said, "Where should they have found this map? They have already finished the passage, but they were attacked by those wild animals."
"On the contrary, it’s cheaper for me. Lao Xu’s head is really lucky!"
"But where did all these wild animals come from?" Another crystal digger named Wu Rong asked nervously, "Don’t all come out of that hole?"
He pointed out that there were still some mangled corpses scattered around the crack of the boulder, and a faint light was reflected in the hole, and waves of flowing water were coming.
"No matter what the saying goes, begging us to dig crystal workers in wealth and danger is to put your head in your belt and be afraid of death, don’t follow!" Xu Chaowei packed his tools and waved and said, "Come with me if you want to get rich."
Fang Zhen walked to the edge of the hole with water dripping and said, "The surface is a lake."
Then his face changed and he said, "How can there be a waterfall!"
Zhou Yan instructed Vivian to fly to the waterfall with a fishing line in her mouth. The current here is not urgent.
However, the speed of water is getting faster and faster, and it is only after converging to a relatively narrow outlet that a waterfall flows away.
Then there should be a place to stay ahead.
Even after strengthening, Zhou Yan consumed too much physical strength. Now he relies on floating corpses to accumulate strength, but the cold water gradually erodes his body temperature.
Vivian came back with a fishing line in her mouth and flapping her wings. She handed one end of the line to Zhou Yan and said, "It seems that there are two stone pillars in front of me. I can do a good job. I am exhausted!"
Zhou Yan killed both ends of the fishing line and put it in the strong fangs of the wild beast. Then the needle and thread sewed it on the mouth.
Vivian stopped on his shoulder and looked at him quickly, feeling that her mouth was beginning to ache faintly.
Don’t say anything nonsense after Zhou Yan sewed his bat mouth!
The firmness of a wild animal skin was tested, and the floating board of its body slowly swam to the other end of the waterfall.
The current is getting more and more turbulent.
As expected, the fishing line led him to an upright rock pillar, and the water was falling and roaring. It should be a waterfall ahead.
When his physical strength was gradually exhausted, Zhou Yan finally climbed the rock pillar and stayed in the water for a long time. When he landed again, he felt that his whole body was as heavy as a sponge.
Zhou Yan rested on this pillar for a moment, and his body temperature gradually increased. He felt something was wrong by stroking the stone face with his cold hand.
The surface of the rock pillar is unexpectedly smooth, as if it had been carved by manpower.
He slowly raise his head and found that it was a very familiar statue.
It’s the statue where the Han people worship and pray before departure, but this statue is very tall, three or four meters high, and it should have stood here and the stone was carved by the Han people.
It was dressed in strange ornaments as it was that day, facing Zhou Yan’s face in an unknown direction.
Zhou Yan grabbed the edge of the rock and moved his position carefully to the front of the stone carving.
You have something to say.
The wild beast smells delicious!
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!
Chapter 73 Chapter 73
Hana abyss 9

Go to Nasmu base
The artistic attainments of the Hanya people are obviously unqualified. The figures on the front of the stone carving are extremely sloppy, and the lines are rough and the facial features are prominent. In particular, the eyes of the stone statue occupy almost half of the face and the face is silently looking at the depths of the dark cave.

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标题:告别脂肪困扰,广州减肥推拿方案助您轻松瘦身 导语:随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的人开始关注自己的身材和健康。然而,繁忙的工作和生活节奏使得减肥成为一大难题。今天,就为大家介绍一款在广州备受好评的减肥推拿方案,帮助您轻松告别脂肪困扰,重拾健康美丽。 一、广州减肥推拿方案简介 广州减肥推拿方案是一种结合了传统中医推拿、现代按摩技术和营养调理的综合减肥方法。该方案旨在通过调整人体的气血运行,加速新陈代谢,从而达到减肥瘦身的效果。以下是广州减肥推拿方案的具体内容: 1. 推拿部位:主要针对腹部、腰部、手臂、大腿等易堆积脂肪的部位进行推拿。 2. 推拿手法:采用揉、按、推、拿、搓等多种手法,以达到疏通经络、活血化瘀、加速脂肪燃烧的目的。 3. 营养调理:根据个人体质和需求,制定合理的饮食方案,帮助调整身体机能,促进减肥效果。 4. 日常指导:提供日常运动、生活习惯等方面的指导,帮助巩固减肥成果。 二、广州减肥推拿方案的优势 1. 安全可靠:广州减肥推拿方案采用纯天然手法,无副作用,安全可靠。 2. 疗效显著:经过大量实践证明,该方案在短时间内即可看到明显的减肥效果。 3. 舒适愉悦:推拿过程中,手法轻柔,让您在轻松愉悦的氛围中达到减肥目的。 4. 全面调理:除了减肥瘦身,广州减肥推拿方案还能改善体质,提高免疫力。 三、广州减肥推拿方案的实施步骤 1. 预约咨询:首先,您需要预约专业的推拿师进行咨询,了解自己的身体状况和减肥需求。 2. 制定方案:根据您的体质和需求,推拿师会为您量身定制一套减肥推拿方案。 3. 推拿治疗:按照方案进行推拿治疗,每次治疗时间为60-90分钟。 4. 营养调理:根据方案进行饮食调整,保持良好的生活习惯。