广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛 广州98场推荐 Surdak was wearing a linen shirt and knickerbockers, and his skirt was wet with Thea’s hair.

Surdak was wearing a linen shirt and knickerbockers, and his skirt was wet with Thea’s hair.

When I walked out of the tent, I saw Samira and Gulitim camps, followed by a group of ragged refugees. The soldiers in the military camp trotted over with a big pile of baked wheat cakes, and there were people carrying soup buckets behind them.
Gullit grabbed a baked wheat cake and tore it into two parts. Both heads ate it at the same time.
Complaining with Surdak while eating.
"Taksamira told me that there are grouse in the north of the mountain to take me hunting! As a result, we rushed there and couldn’t even find a mouse except a double-headed hellhound … "
Surdak Gullit’s side hurriedly pulled Samira out of the way and said, "The whole grassland livestock have been killed by hellhounds. It’s normal that there is no prey in the mountains. I’ll just let you two go and kill those hellhounds."
"Where did you find these lucky people?" Surdak twist a head to Samira asked
Samira handed over the refugees to the nearby soldiers for resettlement, and let them rest in place first, and everyone was given something to eat and drink.
This just said to Surdak, "They are hiding in a cave on the north side of the mountain."
Surdak came closer and found that the residents of these towns looked good, although they looked a little dirty, but they didn’t look hungry.
There are excellent hunters among them, but look at them, no one wears leather armor and no one carries a bow …
Surdak felt a little strange.
"Boss, you come here," Samira said to Surdak.
Surdak followed her to a wooden cage at the camp site. Surdak seemed to ask about the smell of rotten apples. When Samira looked at the wooden cage, she found that there was a demon servant in the cage.
Although this demon servant is wrapped in a shabby and dirty blanket, Surdak can still see his rotting face, which is almost demonized with black and red stripes. Perhaps it is the exclusive body after demonization. He is rotting badly all over, but his body is constantly healing these ulcerated wounds with the help of the symbiosis of hell dogs.
Even his breathing is purring, as if his lungs were filled with water.
Surdak asked doubtfully, "How did you bring him to the camp?"
Usually, these demon servants are executed on the spot, but they have nothing of value.
Samira has some Nai novels, "I don’t want to … but those people say that this demon servant and a double-headed hellhound feed them these days …"
Before Samira finished speaking, she saw a nine-year-old boy among the refugees holding a scone and running to the wooden cage, trying to put his little hand into it, stuffing the scone into the hands of the demon servant and saying in a tender voice, "Dad, eat!"
Surdak finally has a little understanding of Samira.
"The hellhound escaped, but we caught the devil’s servant." Samira lowered her head and didn’t dare to look at Surdak’s voice. "Listen to the refugees and say that it was the devil’s servant who rescued them from the town of Reese and kept them hiding in the cave of Beiling. The hellhound usually hunts prey in the mountains for them …"
Surdak looked at the boy sleeping in the wooden cage, knowing that the child must have softened Samira.
The child seemed very tired with a small piece of wheat cake in his hand and fell asleep next to the wooden cage.
The demon servant was in a good mood and tasted the wheat cake. He carefully broke off the dirty place and stuffed it back into the boy’s arms.
Surdak hit the wooden cage and asked the demon servant to come out.
The devil’s servant bent down and got out of it. He staggered a little, dragging his leg when he walked, but he said nothing.
Not far away, those small town refugees and demon servants are going to the execution ground and want to squeeze in.
In fact, the soldiers in the barracks usually see demon servants being executed on the spot, and they are not even qualified for the execution ground.
A group of refugees were stopped by several soldiers, and a woman tried to push a spear across the soldier, but the soldier was pushed back by the soldier and sat down on his ass.
The demon servant looked at it with some reluctance.
At this time, Surdak saw clearly that his eyes were red, but the other was clear blue.
"When will I die?" His voice is a little vague.
Surdak sat in a wooden box and asked him, "Do you have any requirements before you die?"
The demon servant raised his head to listen and then said, "I know that if you kill me near it, it won’t live. Can you bury me with it? I’ll buy it."
Then he touched out a cloth bag from his arms and carefully put it in front of Surdak’s feet and exposed the Huang Chengcheng gold coins inside.
Seeing Surdak frown, the demon servant immediately said, "I guarantee that it has never killed anyone and the money is clean …"
Surdak said flatly, "I want to know what happened more than that!" "
Demon servant sat pointing to the nearby town of Reese, which was shrouded in darkness, and said hoarsely
"My family lives in Rhys, and I often go to Ake Town to buy horses. Two months ago, I went to Ake Town to buy horses to catch up with the demons of hell. Many people were arrested by them like me, but they didn’t kill us directly. They fed us a purple magic grass, and when our bodies changed, we signed a magic contract with those hellhounds, and then I became like this."

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