Surdak nodded at will and agreed to one.

Victor is a little hard to believe. He doesn’t understand what the background and means are behind Lord Surdak to send the alchemist there.
That’s a big battlefield! All wizards’ purgatory
Victor was more careful when he thought of the battlefield and felt his back chill and looked at Surdak.
The Surveying and Mapping Officer of the Territorial Administration accompanied this group of magical apprentices around Inver cargill Forest for more than a month before dividing all the magical apprentices’ territories.
Surveying and mapping officers didn’t expect that they were busy from summer to late autumn in Inver cargill Forest.
After the original map of Lord Surdak was stamped, the Inver cargill Forest Tour was completed. I didn’t expect that there were all these young magic apprentices coming here to divide the territory. He followed this group of magic apprentices back to Inver cargill. I knew that he wouldn’t go back to Wilkes City.
The bleak autumn wind surveying and mapping officer took out a handkerchief from a big stone in the woodland and wiped his nose. He greeted a senior member of the magic union and his relatives in his heart.
Hearing the chaotic footsteps, the surveyor turned to the head of the magic union and said, "Berkeley Magician’s Pavilion, now that the division of territory has come to an end, we can return to Wilkes City!"
The surveying and mapping officer was glad that the whole territory distribution process was smooth, otherwise it would be busy for a long time, and it would be even harder to walk here until the first snow fell in the forest.
The head of the magic union smiled and said to the surveying and mapping officer, "Lord horsley, vice president of the magic union, will visit Inver cargill Forest to inspect the resettlement of the magic apprentice territory. I will rush to Duodan Town to meet Lord horsley tonight."
"horsley’s adult will come … ok! Is there anything I need to prepare here? " Surveying and mapping officer a face of easily asked.
There is no such routine inspection to the top of the magic union, and I don’t know what the magic union is going to do.
However, the great wizard of horsley is a very famous great wizard in Wilkes, and the title of Earl is not hereditary, but it is also famous in the aristocratic circle of Wilkes.
Surveying and mapping officer is an official of the territorial administration. I can’t be taunted by this great wizard, and I dare not return to Wilkes City before, so I can hold my nose and wait for Inver cargill Forest.
A team of magic caravans stopped at the north exit of Duodan Canyon and stopped at the grass slope on the hilly ground.
There are rolling hills and mountains ahead, and the road from here to the north is not suitable for magic caravans.
Along the way, you can also see some horses carrying heavy goods into the Duodan Gorge. Although there is already a loess road here, this road has long been trampled bare by horses coming and going with the rolling grass in the hills and mountains.
Dozens of magicians came one after another from six gorgeous magic caravans. These magicians came from Wilkes Magic Union and Alchemy Association respectively. They arrived at Inver cargill Forest in the name of territorial settlement of magic apprentices.
A young magician jumps into a magic van, pulls the carriage door and hangs the ladder at the carriage door.
Horsley exorcist, vice president of the Magic Union, came out of the carriage.
Middle-aged horsley exorcist’s hair has turned gray. He is wearing a dark green magic robe with two rows of golden medals hanging on his chest. He pursed his lips and looked at the vast area in the north of the thorn mountain range. It was the year when he just became the vice president of the magic union that this position has been wasted for five years.
He looked straight around the rolling hills and turned to a group of wizards behind him and said
"Leave the magic caravan here. The road ahead is not easy. I think we might as well fly low by magic."
Behind them came two members of the Alchemy Association, who came to Inver cargill Forest this time to see what it was like to lose the copper vein from Christopher in the name of investigation.
At present, there is a lot of news about the Inver cargill forest vein in Wilkes City.
Some people say that the root of this vein can’t produce much copper ingots, and Lord Surdak has to pay huge salaries to indigenous miners from his own pocket every month.
It is also said that this vein has been able to break even at present, but it has always been profitable.
The alchemist’s guild got Christopher’s report and said it was a rich copper mine with very rich copper content.
For the alchemy guild, many agreements have been signed with Christopher. This copper mine will bring a huge profit to the alchemy guild, but in the end it will be a tribe.
This time, two directors of the Alchemy Association came to Inver cargill Forest to investigate whether this copper mine is really as bad as it is said.
Or what’s wrong with Lord Surdak’s operation? If that’s the case, the Alchemy Association is going to offer Lord Surdak a purchase plan for this vein, and he won’t make any money anyway.
Magician Kit, director of the Alchemy Association, said with a smile, "This is a good idea. It should be fun to fly low in hilly areas. If only I could get the Bailin plane back."
Horsley exorcist squinted and casually said, "This kind of thing is not something we can decide to communicate face to face. It is estimated that we will have to wait for Duke Newman to return to Benayoun from Warsaw."
Speak a magic ribbon and drag it out of the magic pockets of the magicians.
With the development of magic writing, the characteristics of the magic handle that allows wizards to fly freely have been completely lost.
This magic handle consists of three parts: control part, seat part and drive part.
The original magic combine that seat with a simple wooden handle in front with the handle, only the wooden pole is wound with a cotton cushion, and the power part is simply not output by the magician’s own magic.
After so many years of change, the magic grip has become very comfortable and easier to control the flight direction. The grip is divided into two parts, which look a bit like bull horns.
The seat part has a slightly concave leather saddle surface with two feet treading cross bars.
In the power part, a small float array is designed. In addition to the magic handle inlaid with magic stone, the magician needs to continuously transfer magic power into the magic handle to drive the array to fly in the sky.
However, this kind of magic is not too cheap, and even if you get a large amount of academic research subsidies every month, not everyone can afford it.
The flight scene of dozens of magicians flying along the hills and mountains with magic handles at the north exit of Duodan Gorge is also very spectacular.
In May, there was a beast tide here, and the red ants with ghost stripes ate all the edible things.
But by October, the hills, mountains, shrubs and grasslands have recovered as before, and little animals are rare.
At this time, all over the mountains are twisting their big asses and running around. Mountain rabbits and groups of wild boars in married with children are also everywhere, but now you may not meet a rabbit if you walk a few kilometers away.
So is Inver cargill Forest, which has become lush in just a few months.
The leaves turn yellow when it gets cold.
Surveying and mapping officers and magical union leaders waited for the edge of the forest of Warcraft in Inver cargill early.
These new magic apprentices saw a group of magicians flying in a row around the mountain bag and clinging to the ground, and suddenly the top of the mountain gave a warm cheer.
Being worshipped always makes these magical union officials feel happy.
They are jumping around from the magic handle. At the front, horsley exorcist looks at these newly awakened magic apprentices, holding a ruby wand in his hand and nodding slightly at them.
Surveying and mapping officers and the head of the magic union hurriedly greeted them.
Chapter 94 The Peak Furnace
Horsley exorcist, a surveying and mapping officer, seems a little stiff in front of him.
"Are all these children’s territories divided?"
Horsley exorcist asked the surveying and mapping officer of the territorial administration with a straight face.
The surveying and mapping officer quickly replied, "horsley and exorcist have been allocated."

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在快节奏的现代生活中,人们往往忽略了身体和心灵的呵护。番禺全身放松按摩服务应运而生,为忙碌的人们提供了一片宁静的天地。本文将带您走进番禺的按摩世界,感受那份独特的身心放松体验。 一、番禺按摩服务的历史底蕴 番禺,位于广东省广州市南部,历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚。早在唐代,番禺就是岭南地区的重要商埠,繁荣的经济和文化交流为番禺的按摩服务奠定了基础。经过千年的传承与发展,番禺的按摩技术已经形成了独特的风格,被誉为“岭南第一手”。 二、番禺全身放松按摩服务的特点 1. 专业手法 番禺的按摩师经过严格的培训,掌握了各种按摩手法,如推拿、拔罐、刮痧、按摩等。这些手法能够有效缓解肌肉疲劳、舒缓身心压力,让顾客在享受按摩的过程中,感受到身心的放松。 2. 独特环境 番禺的按摩店大多装修典雅,环境舒适。柔和的灯光、舒缓的音乐、清新的空气,营造出一种宁静的氛围,让顾客在放松身心的同时,也能享受一段美好的时光。 3. 个性化服务 番禺的按摩师会根据顾客的需求,量身定制按摩方案。无论是舒缓疲劳、缓解疼痛,还是养生保健,都能满足顾客的需求。此外,按摩师还会根据顾客的体质,调整按摩力度和手法,确保顾客在享受按摩的过程中,感受到舒适和愉悦。 4. 药物辅助 番禺的按摩师在按摩过程中,会使用各种中草药,如艾草、红花等,通过药物渗透和按摩相结合的方式,达到更好的治疗效果。这种独特的按摩方式,深受顾客喜爱。 三、番禺全身放松按摩服务的益处 1. 缓解疲劳 长时间的工作和学习,容易导致身体疲劳。番禺的按摩服务可以帮助放松肌肉,缓解疲劳,提高工作效率。 2. 改善睡眠 按摩可以促进血液循环,缓解神经紧张,有助于改善睡眠质量,提高睡眠效率。 3. 增强免疫力 按摩可以增强人体免疫力,预防疾病。长期接受按摩,可以降低患病风险。 4. 缓解疼痛 按摩可以缓解各种疼痛,如头痛、肩颈痛、腰痛等,让顾客摆脱疼痛的困扰。 四、结语


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