Think of here.

See 【 Hung-chun 】 palm a turn.
【 Jade Dish 】 was immediately put away by him.
I don’t know what power the other "top races" have …’
In this mind’s mind
A figure also appeared in his mind.
That’s his old acquaintance and rival.
It’s also that he’s an enemy in all kinds of "wild streams". Only by defeating "Hung-chun" will he have a chance to become a saint!
And it was even earlier than he did when another player in the "Metaphysics Universe" got the "Player Identity" after seeing "Metaphysics Universe"
[Luo Wei] …’
Maybe I’ll wait for the doomed love fight to continue, maybe …’
You don’t know what you’ve got at the moment when you have "killing power" to be a "terrorist army" …
Chapter 1211 Fleet attack
Northernmost position
A fleet, both in the number of ships and the volume of a single ship, is very large.
From time to time, a small force jumps from afar through the wormhole.
In addition, various special types of weapons are also being rapidly adjusted and equipped.
[Victory Glory]
This is a large space battleship with a length of about 3,333 kilometers.
Take the main gun, a sub-gun, 24 small and medium-sized laser guns, and a total of 240,000 weapons guns.
Due to the adoption of special materials, it is endowed with unparalleled defense.
Its weight is also amazing.
The total weight is comparable to some small planets directly!
Touching alone can cause a small range of gravitational tides.
If you don’t start the anti-gravity engine when hovering over the surface of an ordinary planet
Then it will crush the soil and rock directly like a heavy object sinking into the sea, and sink straight into the planet to reach the deep and high-temperature core!
And such a giant warship
Is the eye of the whole fleet main ship.
The core of the whole fleet was the first ship to arrive here.
Inside the eye room
A tall figure shrouded in a halo is looking at the screen not far away, calmly reaching a series of orders to plan those troops who have arrived one after another.
In this way, after a few hours,
Everything is finally ready.
When the huge fleet is completely gathered together, it is like a curtain suspended in the vast expanse of space, which directly covers the distant stars.
The screen in front of the fleet commander also shows the information of the fleet
[Location Sun]
[Target preemption cleans up all indigenous people and captures the whole sun]
[Note: The target location is being occupied by a large number of players from different worlds. Although the social structure of the opponent is extremely primitive, barbaric and scattered, most of them are strong in individual strength, and there are many real threats, and all players still have some sense of immortality, which has been killed by the verification method and the conventional method …]
After roughly reading all the information that has been known for a long time.
Commander look calm to order
"Pass on the information so that the entire fleet can get familiar with the situation as soon as possible and be prepared to act as planned."
After the intelligent ai is ordered,
He immediately went on to order
"Set sail!"
"Let me wait for the bright crown of the empire to add a bead again …"
The words just fell.
【 command has been reached! 】
[The ftl engine is started and the wormhole is being debugged … sailing! 】
[Estimated time required to reach the destination-245 natural time units, please make adequate preparations …]
A list of sounds
Huge fleet that al hadd space battleship suddenly spewed out a harsh tail flame.
And by the superluminal engine shape power is also triggered.
Time is distorted.
Wormholes, large and small, are forced out in one place just like illusory light and shadow.
soon afterwards
In the phenomenon of visual distortion, the core navigator of the main ship suddenly shrinks into a deformity and sails into the wormhole for superluminal navigation …
About 3 days later
Far away from the Milky Way, the eyes of the other area are frozen.
He directly sensed the stock anomaly through the distant defensive array of the Sun.
There are large-scale outsiders approaching [the sun] quickly!’
And … judging from the faint sense of threat, things may be a bit tricky …’
Immediately he wanted to make a return trip.
After all, if there is any serious problem there, although he doesn’t know what will happen, it is probably likely to damage his vital interests.
He hasn’t started yet.
in the twinkling of an eye
Suddenly I had an idea in my heart.
….. maybe don’t be so in a hurry, just observe how deep the sun is at this time …’
Think of here.
I think it’s good, too. He
Although I am still on the road because of the long distance, my heart is not so urgent.
Even secretly wondering if some guys show a little unexpected strength, do you want to take the opportunity to plot against each other and strangle each other in the bud …
It is as soon as an idea comes and goes.
His idea was soon forgotten by him again.
Because compared to intrigue and intrigue
Now he wants to kill others more or be killed by others!

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在繁华的广州,历史的车轮滚滚向前,但总有那么一些角落,保留着旧日时光的痕迹。当我们穿越回五六十年代的广州,仿佛能感受到那个时代夜晚的独特风情,那份宁静、那份活力,至今仍让人回味无穷。 那个时代的广州,夜晚没有如今霓虹闪烁、车水马龙的喧嚣,却有着别样的韵味。每当夜幕降临,华灯初上,整个城市便被一种淡淡的温馨笼罩。 五六十年代的广州夜晚,最引人注目的是街头的市井生活。那时的广州,虽然经济条件有限,但居民们的生活却充满了乐趣。夜幕降临,人们结束了一天的劳作,纷纷走出家门,来到街头巷尾享受夜晚的悠闲时光。 最热闹的地方莫过于各个夜市。当时,广州的夜市主要集中在上下九步行街、大德路、惠福路等地。夜市上,摊贩们售卖着各种小吃、衣物、玩具等,琳琅满目,应有尽有。市民们穿梭在夜市中,挑选着心仪的商品,脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容。 那时的广州,人们的生活节奏相对较慢,夜市成为了大家交流、休闲的好去处。夜市上,摊主们热情地向顾客介绍商品,顾客们则悠闲地品尝着美食,谈论着家常。这种和谐的氛围,让人感受到了那个时代人们的淳朴与善良。 夜晚的广州,除了热闹的夜市,还有那些独具特色的茶楼。那时的广州人,习惯在夜晚到茶楼喝上一杯茶,消磨时光。茶楼里,人们或是一边品茗,一边下棋,或是一边聊天,一边欣赏着茶楼里的粤曲表演。这种悠闲的生活态度,至今仍为广州人所传承。 此外,五六十年代的广州夜晚,还有那迷人的珠江夜景。那时的珠江,没有如今的水泥岸堤,只有泥泞的河岸。然而,正是这朴素的河岸,让珠江的夜晚显得更加迷人。每当夜幕降临,华灯初上,珠江两岸的居民纷纷来到江边,欣赏着美丽的夜景。 夜晚的珠江,微风拂面,江水波光粼粼。两岸的居民们或漫步在江边,或坐在石凳上,静静地欣赏着这美丽的夜景。此时,江面上的船只穿梭不息,仿佛在诉说着一个又一个动人的故事。 岁月流转,五六十年代的广州夜晚风情虽然已逐渐远去,但那份温馨、那份和谐,却始终留在了人们的心中。如今,广州的夜晚已经发生了翻天覆地的变化,高楼大厦拔地而起,车水马龙熙熙攘攘。然而,在这繁华的背后,那些曾经的夜晚风情,依然值得我们去怀念和珍惜。 在这个快节奏的时代,让我们放慢脚步,回到那个五六十年代的广州夜晚,感受那份宁静、那份活力。也许,在那淡淡的灯光下,我们能够找到一种久违的感动,让心灵得到片刻的宁静。


随着夏日的脚步渐近,2023广州夏日论坛如约而至。这场以“创新驱动,智慧未来”为主题的盛会,吸引了来自全国各地的专家学者、企业家以及政府官员,共同探讨新时代下的创新发展之路,共绘智慧发展的宏伟蓝图。 一、论坛盛况 2023广州夏日论坛于7月15日在广州市举行,为期两天。论坛以线上线下相结合的方式,吸引了超过5000名观众参与。现场气氛热烈,嘉宾们围绕论坛主题,进行了深入研讨和交流。 在开幕式上,广州市市长温国辉发表致辞,他强调,广州作为国家中心城市,正积极推动创新驱动发展战略,以科技创新为核心,加快构建现代化经济体系。他指出,2023广州夏日论坛的召开,为广州乃至全国的创新事业发展提供了一个重要的交流平台。 二、主题演讲 论坛期间,多位专家学者和企业领袖发表了主题演讲,分享了他们在各自领域的创新成果和未来发展趋势。 1. 人工智能与未来生活 中国科学院院士、清华大学交叉信息研究院院长姚期智在演讲中提到,人工智能技术的发展将对人类社会产生深远影响。他强调,人工智能应该以人为本,关注人的需求,推动人工智能与人类生活的深度融合。 2. 绿色低碳与可持续发展 生态环境部原部长李干杰在演讲中阐述了绿色低碳发展的重要性。他指出,绿色发展是新时代我国经济社会发展的必然选择,是实现可持续发展的关键。 3. 新基建与数字经济 中国工程院院士、清华大学建筑学院院长吴志强在演讲中介绍了新基建的发展趋势。他认为,新基建是推动我国经济社会高质量发展的重要引擎,将为数字经济的发展提供有力支撑。 三、圆桌论坛 在圆桌论坛环节,与会嘉宾围绕“创新驱动,智慧未来”这一主题,展开了热烈的讨论。嘉宾们认为,创新是引领发展的第一动力,要深入实施创新驱动发展战略,加快构建现代化经济体系。 1. 创新政策与人才培养 有嘉宾表示,政府应加大对创新政策的支持力度,优化创新环境,激发企业创新活力。同时,要加强人才培养,为创新驱动发展提供人才保障。 2. 企业创新与产业升级 企业代表表示,企业要勇于创新,加大研发投入,推动产业升级。同时,要加强产业链上下游企业合作,形成创新合力。 3. 智慧城市与智慧生活 有嘉宾提出,要积极推进智慧城市建设,以信息化、智能化手段提升城市治理能力。同时,要关注智慧生活,让人民群众共享创新成果。 四、结语 2023广州夏日论坛的成功举办,为推动我国创新发展、智慧未来建设提供了有力支撑。在新时代背景下,我们相信,通过各方共同努力,我国必将实现高质量发展,为全球经济发展贡献中国智慧和中国方案。