Didn’t you explain it before?

That’s just a coincidence
Why is this girl so stubborn?
"I know ppa in China," Yuner said angrily. "If you don’t find ppa, do you have the heart to see me crushed by an old man in his 40 s and 50 s?"
Fang Siyi’s eyebrows screwed up and asked strangely, "What do you mean?"
"Not just … not just miss natural beauty …"
"Get to the point!" Fang Siyi took a white look.
"It’s … it’s true. I can’t help it. I was recently watched by people. If my company can’t stop me, my agent will give me advice and I will run to you."
"Oh?" Fang Siyi looked at allow son look a little strange.
"What! Ppa, what is your look! " Allow son short of breath "I somehow also be a little beauty? Is it strange that someone saw it? "
"Don’t you have a boyfriend?" Fang Siyi some surprise "isn’t that your company is not to be taunted or a …"
"Yes, he is a dead b! There is a celebrity Q control in the circle! I’ve never been in love before, and naturally I don’t see him. Now … Damn it! If I had known this trouble, I wouldn’t have promised any couples at the beginning! " Allow son said indignantly
"Who is he? Can your company afford to provoke me if you can’t provoke me? I don’t have any influence in Korea "Fang Siyi some curious.
Not to mention the physical strength of point S and point M, it is said that the background is not comparable to others.
It is true that the S-point M squeezing artist is famous, but there is no denying that it is the S-point M that is a bad worry.
This is the confidence of big companies.
In fact, it is difficult to avoid this problem except for an artificial outdoor in these days if it is not for a large company.
Especially before the company’s strength is insufficient
China is not bad. At least this kind of thing is very taboo. Although there are some, it is relatively rare.
But this kind of thing is not too common in South Korea, where competition is fierce.
Otherwise, there won’t be so many murders on Hanjiang Bridge every year.
Although Fang Siyi has developed well in recent years, he has not reached the level comparable to S point M, has he?
This self-knowledge Fang Siyi still has.
After all, this is the background of the time, not the result can be smoothed out.
Although in a sense, Fang Siyi’s Drea is higher than S-point M-level.
After all, the film and television drama company in the entertainment circle is indeed much higher than the main singing company.
"Who said that the other party is a Korean company?" Yuner said indignantly, "If he is from South Korea, can our company handle it by itself?"
"Oh?" Fang Siyi some eyebrows.
"He’s from Xiangjiang. Our company has recently developed Xiangjiang and curved markets. It’s hard to say much if people want something."
"What do you mean?" Fang Siyi smiled and asked, "It’s okay to refuse at your present level, right?"
She is a member of the Korean women’s group and is still popular among the top three. If she doesn’t want to, the company can barely do it.
After all, it’s not for sale.
"The company did not intimidate me, but … who told us to start renewing the contract recently?" Yun Er said with some unhappiness.
"Renewal?" Fang Siyi first one leng and then funny to ask "what? You don’t want to? "
"Of course I do. I don’t have any pressure to be with the members. Naturally, it’s good, but …" Allow son became sad as he spoke.
"But since Sister Sika left the team last year, the members have become very subtle," said Yuner naively. "This year, several members have confirmed that they will not renew their contracts …"
I can see that Allow some sadness.
After all, members have been together since childhood, and even if they are not good, they have feelings.
But it is clear that Sika’s departure means that everyone’s contradictions are completely exposed at this moment.
The high popularity of this group inevitably means that the attractive popularity is low.
It would be very embarrassing if the popularity is low and the body is still very motivated.
Contradictions will inevitably arise.
The problem of women, especially female artists, is much more serious.
"Then don’t renew your contract." Fang Siyi thought about it and casually said, "I’ll send someone to take care of your business when the time comes."
"Hey?" On the contrary, Yuner is a little embarrassed. "ppa, do you want to set up a branch in South Korea?"
"Of course," Fang Siyi naturally said, "Korean artists can come to China, and I can naturally go to Korea. Besides, it’s not a big deal."
"How can this not be a big deal!" Yuner incredibly shouted, "ppa is going to set up a branch!"
"Don’t change the subject!" Fang Siyi grumpily said, "Come and help me."
"But …" Allow son became very cautious and said pathetically, "I have renewed my contract …"
"By what time?"
"17 years …"
"See, even your company won’t renew the contract. Are you going to stay there?"
"But … but I don’t want to sign a long contract." Allow son but it took half a day to squeeze out such a sentence
"But your company finally agreed, which means that they also know that you will be better or worse in the future. In other words, they have started to slaughter pigs now."
“Oppa! I am angry! " Allow son angrily holding the arm said unhappily
Any girl who is called a "pig" will be unhappy.
"Oh, I’m sorry," Fang Siyi admitted his mistake. "You’re not a pig, you’re a bamboo pole."
"ah! ppa! You ….. "Allow son was about to get angry but the whole voice came to an abrupt end.
Staring at Fang Siyi eyes quietly fell.
There is a wriggling foreign body in her front dress.
"bad ppa!" Allow her to lean softly in Fang Siyi’s arms and say, "Don’t you dislike me as a’ bamboo pole’?"
A woman will always hold her tongue.
"Shh … don’t talk" Fang Siyi bit her ear and said softly.
"bad ppa!"
Chapter 34 The other story (10) Layout
Allow son finally left.

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在繁忙的都市生活中,人们总是渴望找到一个能够暂时逃离喧嚣、放松身心的地方。《白云广州SPA养生馆》就是这样一家集休闲、养生于一体的高端场所,为忙碌的都市人提供一个宁静的避风港。 一、养生馆简介 《白云广州SPA养生馆》位于广州市白云区,是一家集休闲娱乐、养生康体为一体的综合型养生馆。馆内环境优雅,装修风格独具匠心,充满中式古典韵味。养生馆内设有多种休闲养生项目,如SPA水疗、按摩、精油护理、足浴等,满足不同消费者的需求。 二、养生馆特色 1. 专业服务团队 《白云广州SPA养生馆》拥有一支专业的服务团队,团队成员均经过严格的专业培训,具备丰富的养生保健知识。在服务过程中,他们将以专业的手法和热情的服务,为顾客提供最舒适的体验。 2. 多样化项目 养生馆内设有50多种休闲养生项目,包括中式按摩、泰式按摩、精油护理、足浴、SPA水疗等。此外,还提供个性化定制服务,根据顾客的需求和喜好,为顾客量身打造专属的养生方案。 3. 优雅环境 养生馆内环境优雅,装修风格充满中式古典韵味。古典家具、木质地板、精美的装饰画,营造出一种宁静、舒适的氛围。顾客在这里可以尽情享受SPA养生带来的愉悦体验。 4. 高端设施 养生馆内设施齐全,拥有豪华独栋别墅、高档星级套间等。同时,还配备了专业的SPA水疗设备、舒适的按摩床、舒适的休息区等,为顾客提供一站式养生体验。 5. 优质服务 养生馆始终坚持“以人为本”的服务理念,关注顾客的需求和感受。从预约、接待、服务到结账,每个环节都力求做到细致入微,让顾客感受到家的温馨。 三、养生馆的优势 1. 便捷的交通 《白云广州SPA养生馆》位于广州市白云区,交通便利。附近有多条公交线路和地铁线路,方便顾客出行。 2. 丰富的周边资源 养生馆周边环境优美,拥有白云山、白云湖等自然景观,是休闲养生的绝佳去处。 3. 优质的服务体验 养生馆拥有一支专业的服务团队,为顾客提供优质的服务体验。从预约、接待、服务到结账,每个环节都力求做到细致入微。 四、结语


《广州SPA天地:身心的绿洲之旅》 广州,这座繁华的南国都市,不仅以其美食、购物和娱乐著称,更是近年来SPA文化的热土。随着人们对健康生活的追求,SPA已经成为广州及周边地区人们放松身心、享受生活的重要方式。在这片繁忙的都市之中,隐藏着诸多SPA天地,它们如同身心的绿洲,让人在繁忙的生活中找到一片宁静的天地。 一、南昆山十字水:竹林中的养生SPA 位于广州周边的南昆山十字水度假村,以其独特的自然景观和养生SPA而闻名。这里拥有得天独厚的地理环境,四周环绕着茂密的竹林,鸟语花香,空气清新。度假村的水疗中心隐藏在竹林深处,与自然融为一体,让人在享受SPA的同时,也能感受到大自然的宁静与和谐。 南昆山十字水的SPA主打“竹spa”,其特色在于利用南昆山高山温矿泉水供热,保持28℃的恒温,既暖和又不燥热。在SPA开始前,游客可以品尝一杯南昆山特产的养生可可茶,让身心在茶香中逐渐放松。随后,护理师会使用巴厘岛和南昆山特有的草药、香料制成的私家spa护理用品,为游客提供专业的按摩服务。 在按摩过程中,护理师会运用轻柔和缓的手法,将淤积的疼痛慢慢推散开。在按摩的同时,热草药包的按摩也是一大亮点,里面装满了柠檬草、香仔豆等多种具有清神镇静作用的草药,足以让人彻底放松。最后,在温泉泡浴中结束这趟身心之旅,让人仿佛置身于仙境之中。 二、白云山脚下的SPA乐园 广州白云山脚下的SPA乐园,是一处集温泉、SPA、餐饮、住宿于一体的综合性度假胜地。这里的环境优美,空气清新,是放松身心的理想之地。 乐园内的SPA中心提供多种SPA项目,包括中式按摩、泰式按摩、足疗、面部护理等。在这里,游客可以享受到专业的SPA服务,让疲惫的身体得到充分的放松。 此外,乐园内的温泉池设计独特,既有室内温泉,也有室外温泉,游客可以根据自己的喜好选择。温泉水中富含多种矿物质,对人体健康大有裨益。泡温泉的同时,还可以欣赏到白云山的美景,让人陶醉在大自然的怀抱中。 三、广州CBD的都市SPA 在广州CBD区域,也分布着许多高品质的SPA中心。这些SPA中心以其现代化的设施、专业的服务、独特的风格而受到都市人群的喜爱。 在这些都市SPA中,游客可以享受到各种高端的SPA项目,如水疗、精油按摩、面部护理等。在这里,游客可以暂时忘却工作的压力,尽情享受SPA带来的愉悦。 总结: 广州SPA天地,既有自然风光的静谧,也有都市时尚的繁华。在这里,人们可以找到适合自己的放松方式,让身心得到充分的休息和恢复。无论是南昆山十字水的竹林养生SPA,还是白云山脚下的SPA乐园,亦或是CBD的都市SPA,都是广州及周边地区人们放松身心的绝佳去处。在这个快节奏的时代,让我们一起走进广州SPA天地,享受一段宁静的绿洲之旅。