But not

Even their strength can not interfere with what they do, and they can perceive that the other party is really there.
Just like a phantom that can be seen but not touched.
Although it caught their curious attention, it made them do something.
What they don’t know is compared with what they already know.
In fact, the new dimension structure is more complicated.
If this [plane] body is a piece of flat paper, it symbolizes the [OAA] body
So this piece of paper
On the one hand, it looks at the Marvel Comics World Body, where it is called OAA.
On the other side, it says "DC world body", where it is called "master monitor"
Both of them are doing some experiments needed by OAA, just like something that is related but not connected.
But even so,
For OAA, these two "world bodies", whether they are in the middle or in the middle, all kinds of "life bodies", regardless of their structure or strength, are just some accessories.
Just like a piece of white paper with some ink spots on it.
Everything is to build his will 2.
His will is all destiny here!
When he no longer needs both, they are completely destroyed!
And that new dimension is different.
As the main accessory derived from the terms of the Abyss Contract.
That dimensional dimension, like a dot that runs through the paper, can freely travel to and from two completely different worlds. There are some small world bodies that are not as big as the two world bodies attached to the paper [OAA].
Even if the two [world bodies] destroy that dimension, you can still continue to sing and dance by yourself.
There is no need to go to various events in the bird.
However, it is to play each other!
After everything is done.
[OAA] threw his hand to Olga.
And the moment things leave their hands
It directly transformed a faceted crystal into Olga’s hands.
"The character foundation has been laid for you, and the rest will be done by yourself."
Accompanied by [OAA] voice
The moment you hold that crystal
Olga immediately realized something in his heart.
Part of his strength and will was stripped from the main surface and integrated into the crystal part.
The influence of some force
Go far away and sometimes go away.
In a blink of an eye, I merged into the dimension of the white paper and made my own mark there!
A stream of information radiates rapidly in this center.
Infiltrate the various cosmic times
Different universes and different time lines …
"My name-【 Olga 】 【 Crimson Dimension Lord 】 【 Evil God 】 【 Demon First 】 【 Blood King 】 …"

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